sincere repentance meaning in English
- The prayers of all good christians are entreated for these unfortunate men , that it may please god to awaken them to a sense of their guilt , and to grant them a hearty and sincere repentance for their crimes .
凡我信徒,务请为此二不幸之人祈祷,吁求上帝唤醒彼等之灵魂,使自知其罪孽,并使彼等真心诚意忏罪悔过。 ” - How infinite and inexpressible a blessing it is , that the knowledge of god , and of the doctrine of salvation by christ jesus , is so plainly laid down in the word of god ; so easy to be receiv d and understood : that as the bare reading the scripture made me capable of understanding enough of my duty , to carry me directly on to the great work of sincere repentance for my sins , and laying hold of a saviour for life and salvation , to a stated reformation in practice , and obedience to all god s commands , and this without any teacher or instructer ; i mean , humane ; so the same plain instruction sufficiently serv d to the enlightning this savage creature , and bringing him to be such a christian , as i have known few equal to him in my life
我觉得关于对上帝的认识和耶稣救人的道理,在圣经中写得这样明明白白,这样容易接受,容易理解,这对人类实在是一种无限的难以言喻的幸福。因为,仅仅阅读圣经,就能使自己认识到自己的责任,并勇往直前地去担负起这样一个重大的任务:真诚地忏悔自己的罪行,依靠救主耶稣来拯救自己,在实践中改造自己,服从上帝的一切指示而所有这些认识,都是在没有别人的帮助和教导下获得的这儿的"别人" ,我是指自己的同类-人类,而只要自己阅读圣经就能无师自通。